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Monday, July 4, 2011

Week 7: Scenarios

For week 7 we developed two of our informances into full scenarios. The scenarios were presented in the style of a journey framework, to allow others to easily follow along.

Week 6: Informances

This week we developed 3 informances - high level outlines of scenarios we may want to design for.

Week 5: Personas

This week we developed two personas based off of our probe data. These personas would be the focus of our future designs. We have named these personas Rob and Sue.

Week 4: Probe Findings

For week 4 we received our probes back, and began analyzing them for information. We presented our results in class, and provided a poster showing our items.

Week 3: Cultural Probes

In this week we developed our cultural probes and deployed them. In lab we presented our probes to the class.

Week 2: Team Contract

As our first project, we were to write a team contract together. This contract would be used to guide the group dynamics in the weeks ahead.